Aconite Also known as Wolfsbane. Used in Wolfsbane potions and Wideye/Awakening potions. Leaves are toxic. Flowers and roots are used most often
Acromantula Venom highly valuable, difficult to obtain, very rare. Usage unknown, but probably used in poisons
Adder’s Fork The forked tongue of an adder snake. Usage is unknown, but possibly poisonous
Allihosty Leaves induce hysteria and uncontrollable laughter. Pot must be stirred gently after adding to avoid causing damage to leaves
Angel’s Trumpet All parts contain dangerous levels of poison and may be fatal to humans or animals.
Armadillo Bile Used in Wit-sharpening potion
Ashwinder Eggs Extremely hot and flammable. Must be frozen quickly or will light fire to the surrounding area. Especially used in love potions. An antidote to ague (stomach symptoms, most often associated with Malaria)
Asphodel Powdered root of Ashopdel is used in Draught of Living Death and Wiggenweld potions
Balm: Perennial herb that has leaves with a lemon smell. Has healing Properties and is used in wizarding remedies. Ex. Dried balm leaves are used in the treatment of mad dog bites.
Baneberry: the berries are the most poisonous part of the plant, they are presumably used in making baneberry potion
Bat Spleen: ingredient in the draught of living death
Bat Wing: Used often in potion making, They are much thinner than the average bird wing, which makes them good for potions.
Bdelium: Gum-like myrrh that has magical properties such as 2 drachms of it were a component of Bench Powder.
Belladonna: Mundane plant with magical uses. Fluids from the poisonous plant are used by students at Hogwarts in potions class. It is a part of the standard potion-making kit.Also known as Atropa, Deadly Nightshade, Deaths Herb, Dwale, and Witch’s berry. The seeds of this plant are purple.
Betony: Annual or perennial herbs. Regarded as the most important medicinal herb of the anglo-saxons of early medieval great Britain.
Bezoar:is a stone like mass taken from the stomach of a goat, that acts as an antidote to most poisons. *Basilisk Venom being one of the notable exceptions.
Billywig Sting: Has the ability to make a person float off of the ground.
Billywig sting slime: has curative properties. Is used in wiggenweld potion
Blatta Puvereus: Based on its etymology, it might be, or contain, pulverized cockroaches or other insects.
Blood: a liquid substance in some organisms, like humans, that carries oxygen throughout the body. in some creatures blood is known to possess magical qualities. Some believe that blood retains beauty
-Unicorn blood will keep someone alive, even if they are an inch from death
-Re'em blood gives the drinker immense strength
-Chicken blood mixed with brandy is fed to baby dragons.
Bloodroot: bloodroot and its extracts kill animal cells, and thus, internal use is inadvisable.
Blowfly: common name for members of the Calliphoridae, a family of flies. Dead blowflies can be used as a potion ingredient
Bone: provide protection, and strength.
Boomberry: a fruit. its juice has restorative properties.
Boomslang: relatively small, venomous colubrid snakes. HIGHLY POISONOUS, but slow to act.
Boomslang Skin: Green for males, Brown for Females. Is an unusual potion ingredient. is used in polyjuice
Bubotuber Pus: Liquid found in the swellings of the magical Bubotuber plant. It’s very valuable for its acne-ridding qualities. Despite retaining healing powers, when undiluted it can cause painful, large boils to form immediately on the skin.
Bundimun Secretion: Also known as Bundimun Ooze, this is a magical substance produced by Bundimun. known to be extremely acidic. It could rot a buildings structure. Known to have magical cleaning properties.
Bursting Mushrooms: Large mushroom with a white stalk with a red and white spotted ca. When approached, a bursting mushroom will swell and shrink rapidly before violently exploding with enough force to damage a human. After being disarmed in some fashion sliced bursting mushrooms can be used as a potion ingredient
Butterscotch: is used in some potions. Mostly to taste
Caterpillar: larval form of a butterfly or moth. Used in Shrinking Solution.
Cheese: a food formed from the curdling proteins in milk. Used in Cheese-Based Potions.
Chinese Chomping Cabbage: magical plant found in China. It has the ability to chomp foods. Used in Skele Gro.
Chizpurfle Carapace: difficult to obtain. To obtain it one must use Lumos Duo to lure the chizpurfle towards venomous tentacula plant and then after the venomous tentacula eats it, collect the spat out carapace.
Cinnamon: spice obtained from the inner bark of trees from the genus cinnamomum that’s used on both sweet and savory foods.
Cockroach: insect kept in the potions classroom (dead of course) for potion making. Used in cockroach clusters.
Croakoa: a magical ingredient found in Chocolate Frogs that may give them the lifelike appearance.
Daisy: A daisy is a common European wildflower with white and yellow flowers. Its roots are an ingredient used in the Shrinking Solution and Essence of Daisy root.
Deadilyus: Deadilyus was a mushroom used as a potion ingredient. Its exact properties are unknown, but given its name, it may have been poisonous.
Death-Cap: Death-Cap is a poisonous mushroom, widely distributed across Europe. It is (most likely) used in the making of the Death-Cap Draught.
Dittany: Dittany is a magical plant used in Potion-Making, and is a powerful healing herb and restorative. Its use makes fresh skin grow over a wound, and after application, the wound seems several days old.
Doxy Egg: The egg of the Doxy is a type of egg that is used as an ingredient in the Girding Potion which is black in colour.
Dragon Blood: Dragon blood is the blood of any of the many species of dragon. It has a number of magical properties, and was fairly expensive to buy bottled. It has at least twelve uses.
Dragon Claw: Dragon claw was the claw of a dragon, and, when powdered down and eaten, gives the consumer a ‘brain boost’, which leaves the consumer cunning 'for hours’.
The thorax of the dragonfly was used as an ingredient in potion-making. It was a required ingredient of the Girding Potion and Dragon dung Fertiliser
Eagle Owl Feather Used in Dragon Tonic
Eel Eye Might be ingredient for Bulgeye Potion, which causes eye swelling
Erumpent Horn contains a deadly fluid that causes whatever it is injected into to explode. They are highly prized as potion ingredients, but are listed as a Class-B Tradeable Material.
Fairy Wings used as an ingredient in the Girding Potion and the Beautification Potion. Removing a fairy's wings is non-fatal, but will cause extreme annoyance to the fairy in question due to the creatures' natural vanity. Because the fairies are very hard to approach and to capture, their wings are considered as precious ingredients
Fire Seed Used in some potions. Gives fire burst of heat, hatching dragon eggs
Flobberworm Mucus a sticky and green substance that is extracted from the flobberworm. Used to thicken potions and it is one of the vital ingredients to a Wiggenweld Potion.
Fluxweed a member of the mustard family known for its healing properties. When picked at the full moon, it can be used in the making of the Polyjuice Potion.The word Flux means constant change or flow.
Flying Seahorses are a variant of regular seahorses, known for their ability to fly when provoked. They are found throughout lakes in Scotland, the most notable being the Black Lake. a necessary ingredient in the Girding Potion
Giant Purple Toad Warts It is tricky to extract the warts from the Giant Purple Toads, as having warts removed annoys them and they tend to disappear into boxes or other hideouts. Giant Purple Toad warts are an essential ingredient in Dragon Tonic
Ginger Root Used in Wit Sharpening potion
Griffin Claw The claws of the griffin. It is not specified whether the claws are from the talons of the eagle or the claws of the lion. When powdered, the claw is used in Strengthening Solution.
Gillyweed A magical plant. When eaten by a witch or wizard, they grow gills and webbing between the fingers and toes allowing them to process oxygen from water and navigate underwater more easily. There is some debate about salt water VS freshwater, but effects seem to last about an hour in fresh water.
Honeywater is a solution of honey diluted in water which can be used in potion-making. It has a distinctive yellow colour. Drops of Honeywater are required to brew a Wiggenweld potion while larger quantities are needed in the brewing of a Volubilis Potion and an Antidote to Common Poisons.
Horklump juice is a substance extracted from Horklumps. It can be used in a range of healing potions, including the Wiggenweld Potion
Horned slugs are a type of a slug that, when stewed, are used as an ingredient in the Boil-Cure Potion.
Jobberknoll Quill Used in Truth Serums and memory potions. Not used in quills
Knotgrass was a plant with magical proprieties. An essential ingredient in the making of the Polyjuice Potion as well as in the brewing of the alcoholic beverage Knotgrass Mead.
Lacewing flies small green insects with large, transparent wings. Stewed lacewingflies are an ingredient used in the Polyjuice Potion. Lacewing flies are properly stewed in twenty-one days. Lacewing flies are not on the Restricted Register.
Lady's Mantle a small herbaceous plant with characteristic fan-shaped leaves with small teeth at the tips, covered in soft hairs that makes water bead on them. they are an ingredient in the Beautification Potion.
Leeches are small slug-like creatures that live in water. They feed on human blood and/or that of other small invertebrates. Leech spit contains an anticoagulant (a substance that prevents blood clotting), allowing them to feed for longer than blood would normally flow. used to make the Polyjuice Potion. a dash of leech juice is a required ingredient in Shrinking Solution. (adding too much, however, causes the potion to turn orange instead of the bright acid green it's supposed to be; this can prove disastrous, as making errors in the potion can cause the mixture to become poisonous)
Lionfish have extremely long and separated spines.Crushed into a powder, these spines can be used in healing potions such as the Wiggenweld Potion. also an ingredient of the Herbicide Potion as well as some more complicated ones.
Lovage a plant similar to celery, whose fruit and seeds are used in cooking. It has been used in herbal medicines for centuries, especially to facilitate digestion. According to one of Harry's school books, lovage is "most efficacious in the inflaming of the brain", and is used as an ingredient in Confusing and Befuddlement Draughts.
Mandrake, also known as Mandragora, is a plant which has a root that looks like a human (like a baby when the plant is young, but maturing as the plant grows). When mature, its cry can be fatal to any person who hears it. When matured, Mandrakes can be cut up to serve as a prime ingredient for the Madrake Restorative Draught, which is used to cure those who have been petrified. Their leaves can be used in potions. additionally, the Mandrake forms an essential part of most antidotes. Mandrake is a powerful and special plant. It is meant to be put at the bottom of a hanged man's feet. Stewed means crushed and put into a stewy paste.
Maw is a potion ingredient of unknown effect. Maw is old English for "mouth",
Mistletoe Berry: The berry of the mistletoe is small, white, and waxy. It is used as an ingredient in potions, including the Antidote to Common Poisons and the Forgetfulness Potion.[ The use of mistletoe berries as an ingredient in the Antidote of Common Poisons of the mistletoe plant are extremely poisonous, causing intense stomach pain,diarrhea,low pulse,[visual disturbances,and convulsions if eaten. However, the berries are considered "relatively non-toxic" if only a small amount are ingested, but can cause stomach upset when eaten in larger quantities.
Moly is powerful plant with many powerful properties: Moly plants are known to protect against Dark Enchantments, and can be eaten to counteract them. Moly plants are easily recognised by their distinctive black stems and white flowers. This particular herb is used in the brewing of the Wiggenweld Potion.
Moondew is used in potion-making in liquid form and it is an essential ingredient of the Wiggenweld Potion, Draught of Living Death and Antidote to Common Poisons
Moonseed is a plant, which seeds resemble a crescent moon. All parts of these plants are known to be poisonous. It is presumably used as an ingredient of the Moonseed poison.
Moonstone (also known as the wishing stone) a gemstone of medium value. Moonstones are a milky colour and shine very brightly, almost as though they are a source of their own light. They are a useful potion ingredient; powdered moonstones are used as an ingredient for theDraught of Peace and in several Love Potions. Powdered Moonstone is also an ingredient in inPotion No. 86 which is likely an experimental potion.
Morning dew, also simply known as dew, is water that collects on the leaves of plants in the early morning due to condensation. Zygmunt Budge used it in his version of the Beautification Potion.
The nettle, also known as the stinging nettle (Urtica diocia) or burn hazel, is a widespread plant known for the stinging hairs that grows on its leaves. fresh nettles are used in the Boil-cure potion, whereas dried nettles are used in the Herbicide potion. Nettles are presumably the main ingredients of beverages likenettle wine and nettle tea. Nettles can also be made into a soup and are rumoured to improve the glossiness of one's hair.
A newt is a type of amphibian. The eye and spleen of this creature is also commonly used as a potion ingredient
Nightshade (Solanaceae) is a genus of flowering plants that can be used as an ingredient in potion-making.
Nux Myristica is a plant with magical proprieties that is used in .potion-making. It is formed by two latin words: the first "nux" which means "walnut" and the second is the Latin name of the Nutmeg tree (the Genus). Thus, literally, "Nux Myristica" means "Nutmeg". While nutmeg is more familiar as a spice used for cooking purposes, it has a long history regarding therapeutic use also. Numerous cultures across the globe have used nutmeg for medicinal purpose, but only in small dosages.
Octopus Powder is a potion ingredient. It is made from the dried flesh of an octopus It reportedly increases the strength of potions.
Peacock feathers are the feathers of a peacock. They are used in Dragon Tonic.
Peppermint is a mint plant. Snape discovered that adding a sprig of it to the Elixir to induce Euphoria counteracted the potion's side effects of unrestrained singing and nose-tweaking while he was still a student at Hogwarts in the 1970s. It is also commonly used in both the Wizard and Muggle world to flavour sweets and concoctions. It is a known flavour of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans.
Pomegranate juice is juice made from the pomegranate fruit. Hermione had to stop Harry from mistakenly adding pomegranate juice to the Strengthening Solution he was making instead of the salamander blood he was supposed to be using.
Pond Slime is a potion ingredient, which, given its name, may have consisted of one or more types of algae
Porcupine quills were the sharp spines that coveredporcupines, defending them from predators. Porcupine quills were plentiful since the animals continually replenished them.
Porcupine quills were an ingredient in several potions, including theCure for Boils. Quills that had caused no harm were considered the best by potion-makers.
Puffer-fish eyes are the eyes of the puffer-fish, a fish that can inflate its body for defense. They are an ingredient in the Swelling Solution.
Pus is a yellowish fluid that is secreted in the human when they have an infection, such as pimples, as a defense mechanism against the infection. Certain magical plants can also secret such fluid, such as Bubotuber Pus which has high healing powers when diluted, but creates painful boils when undiluted.
Rat spleen is a common ingredient used in the preparation of various potions. It is a required ingredient in the Shrinking Solution and Dragon Dung Fertilizer.
Rat tail is a potion ingredient used in the Jair-raising potion.
Rose thorns are sharp, hard structures found on the stem of a rose.They have magical proprieties and are used as an ingredient for Love Potions though Zygmut Budge felt potions made with rose thorns were of brief effect and unstable, and preferred to use rose petals instead.
Runespoor egg is an egg used in potion making. It has the ability to increase the mental agility of the drinker.
Sal Ammoniac is a rare mineral composed of ammonium chloride. It is used in the making of the perfect medicine.
Salamander blood was the blood of the magical salamander. It had healing and rejuvenating properties, and could be used to brew strengthening potions including the Strengthening Solution.
Salpeter is a solid substance with magical properties. Fillings and resplings of Salpeter are required in order to brew the complex Polyjuice Potion.
Salt is used in the making of the perfect medicine. Salt has more medicinal applications: the treatment of scale rot includes rubbing the affected area with a solution of salt water, and other ingredients.Salt is an ingredient used in theShimmering Silver Salt Drops sold in Weasley's Wizard Wheezes.
Scarab beetle is an insect native to Egypt. Ground scarab beetles are used as ingredients in the Wit-Sharpening Potion. Five scarab beetles are used in the Skele-Gro healing potion.
Scurvy grass is a plant used as an ingredient in the Befuddlement Draught
Shrake Spine When added to a potion, the mixture must be stirred gently, as overly vigourous stirring can "overexcite" the spines.Zygmunt Budge used pickled Shrake spine in his version of the Cure for Boils.
Shrivelfig is a magical plant, the best specimens of which are found in Abyssinia. The flowers of the Shrivelfig grow inside the fruit, both of which are purple in colour. It's a deciduous plant, meaning that its leaves start to shed in autumn, and the plant is leafless during winter. However, due to its aggressive roots, the plant can still survive even in snowy conditions. The leaves have medicinal properties. When skinned the fruit, which is actually the plant's flower and contains blossoms inside, produces a purple liquid with potion-making properties.
Sloth Brain The mucus from the brain is a key ingredient in a Dragon Dung Fertilizer.
Snake fangs, when crushed, are an ingredient used in the preparation of some potions, like theStrength Potion, the Boil Cure Potion and the Wideye Potion. This plentiful ingredient must not be harvested from venomous snakes.
Sneezewort is a type of plant that is poisonous to livestock. It is used as an ingredient in the Befuddlement Draught.
Sopophorous bean contains a thick silver juice that will remove the drinker's memory if drunk neat. If used in potion-making, it does not seem to retain this power.
The Sopophorous bean is used as an ingredient for the Draught of the Living Death
Staghorn mushroom is used in healing and has shown anti-tumor applications.
Star Grass is a medicinal herb that was once used to treat colic. It is presumably used as an ingredient for the Star Grass Salve.
Sulphur Vive is an alchemy substance, presumably with some sulphur in its constitution. A particular Sulphur Vive is used in the making of the perfect medicine.
Syrup of Arnica is a poisonous substance extracted from the Arnica plant. It is used in potion-making, and is an ingredient of Potion No. 113.
Syrup of Hellebore is a
blue-coloured substance extracted from the Hellebore. It is used in
potion-making, and is a required ingredient of the Draught of Peace
and Volubilis Potion. It is also required in Potion No. 86 which is
likely an experimental mixture
Tubeworms are a general group of any worm-like aquatic creatures that secrete a mineral tube around their body that they can curl into for protection.
Unicorn Horn has magical properties that make it a useful ingredient in potions, such as the Antidote to Common Poisons. In classical myths unicorn horns have purification properties which are used to dissolve poisons. Very expensive at 21 galleons each.
Vinegar is a sour liquid used as a condiment or as a preservative. It is obtained through the fermentation, or the artificial oxidation, of ethanol. It is used in the making of the perfect medicine.
Valerian is used as an ingredient in Treacle Fudge. Valerian roots are used in the Draught of Living Death and the Draught of Peace. Sprigs of valerian are used in the Forgetfulness Potion and the Sleeping Draught. Valerian was known in medieval times as All Heal, was recognized for its sedative and antispasmodic properties, and so was used as a sleep and nerve remedy and later as a treatment for epilepsy.
Wartcap powder is a pulverized substance which causes the skin of a person who touches it to form a thick hard crust. It can be used in potions such as the Fire Protection Potion.
Wiggenbush bark is bark stripped from a Wiggenbush plant. Given the name, it is presumably in some manner related to the Wiggentree.
Wiggentree is a magical rowan.. Its bark is used in the Wiggenweld Potion, and the tree is guarded by Bowtruckles. Anyone who touches the trunk of one of these trees will be protected from Dark creatures as long as they are doing so.
Wiggentree bark is the bark of the Wiggentree. It has curative proprieties and it's used in some healing potions, namely in the Wiggenweld Potion.
Wormwood is a very bitter herb, used in potion-making since ancient times. An Infusion of Wormwood is used in the concoction of the Draught of the Living Death, Elixir to Induce Euphoria, and the Shrinking Solution. Muggles use wormwood leaves for many things, including medicine and as a way to discourage fleas. Its hallucinogenic properties may be useful in the brewing of Elixir to Induce Euphoria. The other uses of wormwood may temper or eliminate side-effects of the other ingredients for Draught of the Living Death, hence justifying its inclusion into the mix. In Elixir to Induce Euphoria, however, its bitter taste may be the reason that the mixture has to be sweetened as well.